General planetary influences

The coordinates of the planets and houses
Sun Virgo 27° 24'
Moon Aries 22° 29'
Mercury Virgo 18° 2'
Venus Libra 26° 4'
Mars Cancer 8° 48'
Jupiter Gemini 20° 43'
Saturn Pisces 15° 9'
Uranus Taurus 27° 7'
Neptune Pisces 28° 33'
Pluto Capricorn 29° 45'
NDE Aries 6° 37'
ASC Cancer 24° 40'
II Leo 8° 36'
III Leo 26° 8'
IV Virgo 21° 9'
V Libra 29° 40'
VI Sagittarius 18° 30'
VII Capricorn 24° 40'
VIII Aquarius 8° 36'
IX Aquarius 26° 8'
MC Pisces 21° 9'
XI Aries 29° 40'
XII Gemini 18° 30'
Lunar Eclipse
18.09.2024 05:34
25° 41'

The eclipse adds to the tension and unpredictability of the situation. During the days following the eclipse, special care is recommended, it’s no good starting new projects, have important meetings, sign important documents. Start the matters of moment two weeks after the eclipse is over. The time around the eclipse is deemed complicated and poorly controlled. There is higher chance of various crises, of social, political, economic, man-caused and environmental origin.

Solar Eclipse
02.10.2024 21:49
10° 04'

The eclipse adds to the tension and unpredictability of the situation. During the days following the eclipse, special care is recommended, it’s no good starting new projects, have important meetings, sign important documents. Start the matters of moment two weeks after the eclipse is over. The time around the eclipse is deemed complicated and poorly controlled. There is higher chance of various crises, of social, political, economic, man-caused and environmental origin.

День планеты
Friday - Venus

The Day of Venus. Venus is the planet of love. Beauty and harmony. Its energies are favorable for personal meetings and acquaintances, creative activities, everything related to arts and aesthetics, for social events, exibitions, beauty salons, for solving matters of argument, for settlement of legal issues. It is a good time for marriage ceremony. You may solve your financial problems too. Recreation and pleasant pastime.

Градус Солнца
Градус Солнца 27° 24′ Virgo

The degree of Neptune and Capricorn. The degree, strengthening health.

Fall of Venus. A saturated life, a gifted nature. Plenty of friends, a numerous family. (ASA). Friendliness, serious research, the danger of tuberculosis (Kefer). Diabetes (deVore)

"A bald-coot, having seized the power". Absolute authority of an individual in the moments, pushing for the decision. Will power (Radjar)

Фазы Луны
Waning Gibbous. Third phase

Decrescent moon (from Full Moon till Dark Moon). Tt is time when the Moon follows the Sun. It is time when it is better to work on quality assurance, iron out details, bring to the due level. Any types of fasting diets, fasts, cleansing procedures are better to carry out in the decrescent Moon. It is believed that parting with something you want to get rid of and completing something are more efficient in the decrescent Moon. For example, leaving your current job in the decrescent Moon is preferable, and starting the new one is better with the increscent Moon.

The third phase (180-270). You are about to implement your plans. You are clear that your efforts were not for nothing. A peak of lunar energy is over and specific goals are reached. Things you did will undergo checking. It is the time to communicate with prominent figures and use what you have spent a lot of time and effort on. You should try to assess what you’ve obtained and make respective conclusions. It is not the time to correct mistakes yet, but make a note of things going not quite as they were planned. Possibly, you got some advice and recommendations during the Full Moon, you should assess their quality and speculate whether it is worth following them. Some old relations and affairs may come out towards the end of the third quarter, asking for your attention.

Луна без курса
Луна без курса 11:38 - 12:02

The Moon void-of-course.

Unproductive time. Postpone important meetings, negotiations, start of new projects, signature of important documents, financial deals and other events of great importance.

Аспекты Луны
Moon 180 Venus 06:13

There may be disputes, complexities in financial and legal issue. It is not the best time for purchases, visits to beauty salons and heart-to-heart talks. In the ideal case and lack of help and support in joint projects. There are difficulties in love affairs. It is better to have nothing to do with artistic and aesthetic aspects. There is increased risk of poisoning, you’d better avoid overeating.

Moon square Pluto 11:38

There is an increased probability of emergencies, catastrophs, conflicts, accidents. You’d better avoid group and political events. There may be difficulties in financial issues, insurance, credits, investments and taxes, in personal relations. There is a good chance of security leakage. Criminally threatening situations.

Лунный день
Eighteenth lunar day 00:00 - 19:00

Symbol - a monkey, a mirror, ice.

Energy of the day makes a person passive. There is increased danger of succumbing to alien influence, starting to imitate someone else or follow someone else’s thoughts. This day may be the one of insidious deceptions and seductions, masks and intrigues. People may unwittingly play false with each other. It is recommended to watch out for your bad habits and thoughts, give up egoism and vanity, illusions and base instincts, try to see yourself through others’ eyes and evaluate objectively. 

The day is related to imitation, mimicry, passive following of others thoughts. You need to work with your bad and impure thoughts; develop an objective view of the world, try to see yourself through others’ eyes, give up illusions and base instincts. The image of the Snow Queen from the fairytale by Andersen is played out just on the 18th day. Things occuring on the 18th lunar day, shall be the mirror reversal of our inward nature and reveals us what we have accumulated in our life.

Excessive drinking, smoking are off-limits this day, fast and evacuation of bowels are recommended, as well as sauna and rejuvenescence procedures. As for medical matters, pay attention to kidneys: they are suppressed this day. Skin diseases may manifest this day, hidden wounds may open (be careful of any diagnoses and treatment). If there is something alike, the person has infringed the law of cosmic evolution. Clean your skin, make massage, lavation, renewal of youth, steam baths, sleep less, otherwise you will get up broken. Meat food is not advisable, prefer nuts, more vegetable oil (including massage ointment). A person getting sick this day may stay in bed with no recovery for long.

Stones - white agate, opal, lilac amethyst, spinel.

Nineteenth lunar day 19:00 - 24:00

Symbol - a spider, a net.

The satanic day. The world is ruled by energy, heavy and negative for a person, this day. Circumstances permitting, better stay at home and do not go out. There is a great risk of succumbing to bad influence, get entangled in the devil’s net. Making acquaintances this day  may be of hard continuation: you will hardly get read of influence of this person.

Be careful with new ideas and projections this day- most likely, it will turn to be seduction or deception. Do not make contracts, undertake any liabilities. Do not get married this day. Beware of drunk people, able to damage health.

This day is related to moral purification of the soul and conscience. It is recommended to rethink your dids, repent mentally, get rid of lies, pride and strange thoughts. If possible lit a candle or a lampion, walk around the flat with a candle or sit by the fire.

As per medical matters, the day makes the appendix and sigmoid bowel vulnerable. Moreover, depressions and fears become more frequent.

Stones - labradorite, gagate, morion, bloodstone, chrysolite, uvarovite and green garnet.

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