ExampleHoroskope | Finance Horoscope |
Period | Monthly |
Starting date | 2017.02.04. |
Ending date | 2017.03.06. |
The most important influence of the slow planets this month
Favorable interaction Pluto Saturn of your horoscope
Try to rely on on large, reputable organizations, both private and public. Now it is a good time to build long- term financial plans. There is a chance to get a large government order.
ActStressful interaction Saturn Mars of your horoscope
It is a time of increased danger. Try to devise measures to get protection against thefts and robberies, as well as from the pressure security forces and law enforcement agencies. Make order in documentation, make a backup copy. Car accidents or traffic police sanctions may also make you incur into spending. Fire damage is also possible, just as expenditure related to a lawsuit.
Act Peak of the influence 12.02During this month, while there are rather energetic and long-term effects short-term influences also manifest themselves and might be important.
Favorable interaction Mercury Mars of your horoscope
Auspicious day for an energetic business, business travel, for earnings by the means combining mind and will, mobility, strength, and flexibility.
Effective 04.02 - 05.02Stressful interaction of the Sun Neptune of your horoscope
In this period, you are vulnerable to fraud and various illusions; you are susceptible to advertising. All of this is bad for your wallet, so keep this in mind and do not rush to part with money or succumb to tempting offers.
Effective 05.02 - 07.02Stressful interaction Mars Mercury of your horoscope
Inconsistencies in transport and communication may hamper your work and even require spending. For example, your car may be broken. Also, advertising and information warfare may start against you.
Effective 07.02 - 09.02Stressful interaction Venus Mercury of your horoscope
Slight technical glitches and inconsistencies in financial work are possible. Be careful, and take your time when shopping or spending money anywhere. Carefully analyze contract terms. If something is wrong, work on them further before signing.
Effective 14.02 - 17.02Favorable interaction Mars Jupiter of your horoscope
Favorable time for the combination of mental and physical activity. You can enter new markets, beat the competition, make your international business. It is possible to borrow, obtain credit.
Effective 14.02 - 17.02Favorable interaction Mercury Jupiter of your horoscope
Good days for business meetings, shopping, investing in commodities and securities, and advertising of your business. You can enter into various agreements.
Effective 15.02 - 17.02Favorable interaction of the Sun with the Sun of your horoscope
Favorable time for personal activities, initiative and creative energy, including making money. If other factors do not interfere, it is now well make purchases and investments. Under appropriate conditions on your work you can talk about salary increase.
Effective 16.02 - 18.02Stressful interaction Mercury Neptune of your horoscope
In these days, you might be deceived in financial affairs, so treat the new proposals with caution, sort out and analyze everything carefully before making financial decisions.
Effective 18.02 - 19.02Stressful interaction Mars Venus of your horoscope
Spending on entertainment and gifts in this period may be excessive. Your money, especially cash may attract thieves or fraudsters.
Effective 18.02 - 21.02Interaction of the Sun Moon of your horoscope
Now you can buy something for the house, family, the loved one, or children. Earnings from clients are possible. Money matters may affect emotions.
Effective 20.02 - 22.02Favorable interaction Mercury with the Sun of your horoscope
New incoming information will be interesting for you in financial terms and in respect of travel or study. The possibility of purchases is opening up now, that of investments, paperwork, credit card transactions on the internet � all of these resulting in benefit or convenience for you.
Effective 24.02 - 25.02Favorable interaction of the Sun Mercury of your horoscope
Favorable time for any travel or commercial transactions aimed at purchase, sales, or exchange. You can earn on speculation with commodities or securities. It is also good to shop for yourself and plan trips.
Effective 25.02 - 27.02Favorable interaction Venus Jupiter of your horoscope
Favorable time for the combination of shopping and travel. Earnings at this time are good, just as the circumstances for financial transactions. There may be mentors, friends, supporters, which will help you to strengthen your well-being.
Effective 26.02 - 03.03Interaction Mercury Moon of your horoscope
Information and appointments of today may be of interest for purchases or registrations of your home or workplace. People met can come in handy in your work or as clients, customers.
Effective 27.02 - 28.02Stressful interaction of the Sun Uranus of your horoscope
Unexpected loss of money as a result of your own mistakes or changing external circumstances is possible. Be careful; do not take the time to pay.
Effective 28.02 - 02.03Favorable interaction Mercury Mercury of your horoscope
A good day for business. Buying and selling will be beneficial for you. This time is good for work with information, making business trips to meet business partners.
Effective 02.03 - 03.03Stressful interaction of the Sun Jupiter of your horoscope
Now your material ambitions should be modest. Do expect too much income and expenses, because your budget may not sustain this.
Effective 03.03Stressful interaction of the Sun Pluto of your horoscope
Be careful with credit operations, because they may prove to be unprofitable or too burdensome for you. Big business has its own interests, and these days these interests may be different from youp.
Effective 03.03Stressful interaction Mercury Uranus of your horoscope
Surprises may result in some loss of money, but the situation will not be too serious, and will quickly pass. So do not worry, analyze the situation quickly, and do not rush to extremes.
Effective 03.03
Astrological forecast is based on the basis of a joint analysis of your birth chart (horoscope), and the exact position of the planets in the forecast period. Based on your birth data we computed and built your individual horoscope, and then analyzed the most significant astrological influence (the motion of planets), consistently, day after day during the forecast period and their impact on your horoscope. As the result we provide you with the individual for you forecast of the major astrological influences. They create a wide range of opportunities and wide range of challenges, thus giving you the choice for certain actions. Provide, but do not oblige. The choice is always yours! Knowing the nature of the effects and time when they are most strongly manifested, you can estimate the degree of difficulty and time to take advantage of these opportunities. You even get the creator of your destiny. The forecast provides guidance to the nature of the effects, the intervals of time when they are most strongly exist: recommendations regarding the optimal behavior during these time intervals in order to achieve success and stability in business. This allows at any time to tailor one’s life to cosmic rhythms, unbreakable connection with which is predetermined by nature.
Planetary influences may occur with varying degrees of strength. They can either reinforce each other or contradict each other. Not all the influences can be felt, understood, lead to significant events. In the case of conflicting trends it makes sense to rely on favorable ones and be attentive to matters in those areas for which there is intense impact. ’Tense’, ’conflict’ and ’complex’ effects suggest that the situation in your life needs some changes and it is likely that they will occur. This is the most intense time, which requires understanding of the situation, switching on and studying, usage of energy and strength. Then the changes may be important and positive, this can become the move to another level. ’Tense’ aspects can also mean that you will be emotional, irritable, agitated, aggressive more than the usual, so during this time be rigorous to yourself, control yourself and be critical. The presence of intense effects does not mean that you should refuse things that are important to you, you simply need to assess the influence of the circumstances at the moment and make the most rational decision. To neutralize difficult situations try to use time when there are favorable influences along with the tense influences. Favorable influences suggest that the time is good for a particular action and result in this field will be easier to achieve than at any other time. They also point out that this is the best time to reveal your talents, abilities, your potential.